EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit

We have designed the new EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit for optimal performance with our EpiMelt Methylation Detection Assays. Our bisulfite conversion kit is available for 200 reactions and 50 reactions. To order the EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit, request a quote.


Normalized melting curves illustrating positive control (red), assay calibration control (blue), and negative control (orange) from an EpiMelt Methylation Detection Assay, and bisulfite-converted genomic DNA sample (green) after PCR using EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit. 

The EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit enables complete conversion of unmethylated cytosines to uracils with high-recovery DNA purification in less than 4 hours. The highly sensitive method ensures high conversion rates. Recovered bisulfite-converted DNA is ideal for downstream analyses, including real-time PCR and melting analyses.

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