EpiMelt Real-Time PCR Master Mix

EpiMelt Real-Time PCR Master Mix

High specificity ready-to-use mix for real-time Hot Start PCR with EvaGreen®. 

Optimized for epigenetic analysis using HRM technology. 2x concentrated. 

For 200 & 500 reactions in 20 μl 

Catalog # Size
# EPI – qPCR – 200 200 reactions in 20 μl
# EPI – qPCR – 500 500 reactions in 20 μl

Store at -20°C upon arrival

User manual version 2. Last revision date: 03-08-2023 EvaGreen® is a registered trademark of Biotium Inc.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Download the Protocol here:

EpiMelt Real-Time Master Mix

200 Reactions 500 Reactions Storage
EpiMelt Master Mix 2x 2 x 1 mL 5 x 1 mL -20°C, in darkness
EpiMelt Sterile Water 2 x 1.5 mL 5 x 1.5 mL -20°C

Table 1. Contents of the EpiMelt Real-Time PCR Master Mix.

EpiMelt Master Mix 2x composition

Component Amount
EpiMelt Hot Start DNA Polymerase 0.1 U/μl
MgCl2 4 mM
dNTPs 0.5 mM of each dNTP
2x reaction buffer with EvaGreen®


Table 2. EpiMelt Master Mix x composition.

Additional equipment and reagents

  • EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit (MethylDetect)
  • Vortex
  • Microcentrifuge
  • Real-time thermocycler

Important notes

  • Before use, all solutions should be thawed thoroughly on ice, gently mixed by inverting, and briefly
  • Up to 3x repeated freeze-thaw cycles do not influence the activity of this product

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.


The EpiMelt Bisulfite Modification Standard Kit (MethylDetect) is recommended for the bisulfite conversion
of template DNA.

  • Thaw EpiMelt Master Mix 2x and Sterile Water on ice, gently mix by inverting, and briefly centrifuge. Keep on ice.
  • Prepare the PCR mix by adding the following components in the order listed below:
Component PCR reaction volume PCR reaction volume
10 μl 20 μl
EpiMelt Master Mix 2x 5 μl 10 μl
Primer 1** 0.1 – 1 μM* 0.1 – 1 μM*
Primer 2** 0.1 – 1 μM* 0.1 – 1 μM*
DNA template 3 ng – 1 μg 3 ng – 1 μg
Sterile Water Up to 10 μl Up to 20 μl

Table 3. Components of the PCR mix.
*: Recommended for standard real-time PCR.
**: Final concentration in the reaction mixture

  • Gently vortex the samples and briefly centrifuge to ensure that the content is collected at the
    bottom of the tube.
  • Place the tubes in the thermocycler and start the PCR program.

Example of an amplification profile:

Step Temperature Time
Initial denaturation 95°C 10 min
35 – 50 cycles 95°C
50 – 68 °C
72 °C
15 – 30 s
30 – 60 s
15 – 60 s*

Table 4. Example of an amplification profile.
*: Depending on the length of the PCR product, for products >500 bp 1 min PCR product melting analysis is recommended

Download the Protocol here:

Recommended ROX mixture

HiROX (0.6-1 μL per 50 μL of total reaction volume): Applied Biosystems: 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900HT
Fast, StepOne, StepOnePlus.

LoROX (0.6-1 μL per 50 μL of total reaction volume): Applied Biosystems: 7500, Stratagene: Mx3000P,
Mx3005P, Mx4000P

Ordering Information

MethylDetect offers a number of EpiMelt Methylation Detection Assays targeting specific genomic regions. For a complete overview of the products and ordering information, please visit

Supplementary Information

License disclaimer

For patent license limitations for individual products, please refer to

Regulatory disclaimer

For Life Science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
EvaGreen® is a registered trademark of Biotium Inc.

Safety data sheet

Please follow the instructions in the safety data sheet (SDS) at

Contact and support

Please refer to 

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

©2019 MethylDetect. All rights reserved.